Cataplasm or Poultice
By: Narda
August 10. 2021
Make a poultice or cataplasm:
A poultice is a safe and not complicated home remedy that drags out toxins from the skin, accelerating recovery time. It is a paste made of different ingredients combined with water, oil, fat, or vinegar. Each poultice will require your close attention to measurements and components indicated in the recipe.
Some poultices are applied using a damp light cloth or cheese cloth; others may be applied directly on the affected area. The direct or indirect application of the poultice might also depend on each person’s skin sensitivity. Some might be warm; others are better cold.
Never wrap a poultice or cataplasm in aluminum foil as this can cause irritation and could burn your skin.
Extra tips
- Whether using cheese or a thin cloth, or applying the poultice directly on the skin, test a small amount on the inner wrist before applying in the affected area to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and if there is no reaction, you can proceed.
- If you experience an allergic reaction stop application immediately
- Cataplasms were first used around 1540
- Not all cataplasms can be applied on open wounds
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Photography by: Anna Hliamshyn, Anton Darius, Katherine Hanlo, Nong Vang, v2ok-d5xQVtm, and Viridi Green @ Unsplash